Friday, January 30, 2009

Next Big Thing

OK, so I'm a child of the 90's, well I was born in the 80's, but conscious for the 90's. So I'm basically, a child of the Internet revolution. The thing is, back a few years ago, I was ahead of the game. Let me explain...

Some dude from the "Clan" of PS (Pikachu Sucks) owned a website. I visited one day, for unknown reasons, and joined a chat room. After getting kicked out, I was very interested, in how said person, was able to remove me from the chat room. This man eventually offered me the chance to learn how to "hack." Little did I know, that the "hacking" he was talking about, was simply using the Admin commands of a chat room client. This, however, was back in the day of the infancy of the Internet, and I was much more gullible then. This man led me through numerous steps to "hack" but never really taught me anything. So I never learned how to "hack." This lead me instead, to create my own site on Angelfire, and learn HTML. I wish I remembered the person who led me to this epiphany. I was quite the "man" in my middle school, for showing my class mates my website. I had a lot of fun making my website and adding all the bells and whistles, like a framed sides and some DHTML to make curious cursors. However after a while I gave up on the site, eventually the site was deleted I assume.

Many years later, I wish I had stuck with my idea, wish I had stuck with the HTML that I learned, but I didn't.

Now I'm here, looking for the next big thing, trying to make money. I wonder now, if I had stuck with the path I was on, if I would have been able to make money from my skill. I would, after all, have been ahead of the curve. Now there are billions of websites and so many good ideas, it's hard to figure out, what is the next big thing?

I am, a man of always looking forward, I look for what the future may hold. The future is hard to read, especially before it happens, go figure. I feel that the next "big thing" is just waiting to be discovered, I just have to find it. So lately my quest is to discover this "big thing". The Internet is a wonderful tool to use, but to use it properly, is a key to success. I, myself, am looking for the best way to use this "tool". Haven't found it yet, I'll let you know when I do.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Big Bailout

Ok, this morning President Obama had a press conference to push his economic stimulus package. I have some serious doubts about this project. First of all, have we forgotten the $800 billion bailout for the banks? Where did all THAT money go, do you know, does anyone really know? All this talk about transparency and what do we get? Something about as clear as mud, and billions added to the national debt.

Now we're going for strike #2 and I fear that's exactly how it will end up. One of my main concerns, is not that there is so much money in this package and not that the money will go all over the place. My main concern, is that the Democrat's have added far too many worthless and not worthwhile expenditures. I do not classify my self as either Dem or Repub, more of a hybrid of the two, all tho I did root and vote for Obama. There just seems to be too much, excuse the McCain phrase, pork-barrel spending here. I think we need to focus on how these cocky Dems are trying to spend this money or we may get hosed again.

Monday, January 26, 2009

What is up with abbreviations ??

The media in the past few days has been talking an awful lot about Guantánamo Bay prison in Cuba. Now, regardless of why you think Obama should or should not close the place, could you tell me something? Why do they feel the need to refer to the prison as GITMO??? Is there not enough room in the segment titles to fit the whole word Guantánamo? Is the media just so lazy that they have to shorten the word? Or is it just the time we live in? In the new web 2.0 world of lol'z, lmao's, omg's and wtf's, is it "the hip thing to do" to abbreviate Guantánamo to GITMO? I mean there isn't even an "I" in the word, how can they add a letter to a word they are abbreviating? It just doesn't make sense to me.

Welcome.... To Mr. V Thinks!!!

Welcome friends, I hope all is well for you today, out there in the interwebs. My name is Mr. V and this is my free speech forum, aka my blog. I am a new-comer to Blog-o-Land, so be ye kind to me as I feel my way through this new toy. There will be in future posts, some very deep thinking about the current state of events in our world, among other topics. I truly hope you enjoy what I have to offer here at Mr. V Thinks.