Monday, February 2, 2009


Friends, how many of us have them? Some have many, while some have none. I find that you can have a few good friends, but you have to be able to trust, said "friends". Here I am in Colorado and I realize, that while some may feign that they are good friends, other's will actually be the true one's. Some may claim to be there for you but when the chips are down, they are nowhere to be found. A friend, by my definition, is some one that will be there for you through the thick and the thin. Someone that will never let you down, if you need a helping hand. But then there are those, that are only friends by name. The type of person that is there when you can help THEM out, but strangely they disappear, when you come calling. See I realize that a friend, is more than just a title, a friend can be a person that you haven't seen in many years. When your with someone that just makes you feel right, like you have nothing to worry about when they are near. It may be a friend, that had your back way back when and now that your back, they are watching out for you again.
Some thing's never change, while other things are never the same. The world moves on whether you do or not, the only choice you have, is to move along with it or get left behind. There are so many people trying to live their life, that some times you get lost in the fray. The true friend, will help you survive this life, while the fake friend, will do nothing but drag you down.
Sure your friends may laugh, they may put you down; but if its all fun and games, when you need them, they will be there. My friends! You are the true people of the world. If you show me the light I will follow. If you show me the way I will get in line. But if you lead me astray, YOU, will be the one who ends up left behind. The moral is; to be the best person to those you trust, to those who you hold dear, and to those who, YOU, know will be there, through the thick and the thin. Because when you need them most, a good friend is INVALUABLE!

1 comment:

  1. I know I have made my mistakes in the past but I hope that we can keep a friendship. I care about you as a person deeply. I just think we were a wrong fit, or I was for you anyway. You are a caring person, you just tend not to tell how you really feel.
    I am always here if you need to talk ABOUT anything.
    Something strange I felt a few weeks ago when I saw a picture of a certain girl whose name starts with an "L" on your myspace page, I thought, "She and Nick will be together again in some way". Don't ask me why, I just got the feeling. Just like I knew the Steelers were going to win this year. I don't know, maybe your story with her isn't over.
    Anyway, I really am very, very sorry for everything. And I love you as a friend, Ace. Like I said, I'm here if you ever need to talk or vent or what have you.
    Oh, and I might be going to Hawaii in the summer for about a week! Exciting, isn't it? I already told my manager that I need a week off during the summer and he said ok.
    Well, it's after 6 a.m. and I haven't been to sleep. Hope you are well. Hope you had a great 22nd b-day!
